Disinfecting & Sanitation Treatment
Effective against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19
Our misting service disinfects your environment for health, safety & peace of mind.
Arrow is now offering disinfecting and sanitation treatments to the general public starting at a discounted rate of $150 for three thousand square foot and an additional 7.0 cents a square foot thereafter. Our expert disinfectant treatment is designed to disinfect inanimate environmental surfaces such as floors, walls, structures, ventilation and other equipment. We disinfect your home, office and workplace by delivering a broad-spectrum disinfection misting fogging treatment, enabling us to sanitize large areas in short periods of time, achieving maximum effectiveness and minimal downtime for your home or business.
The disinfection application is dispersed in fine micron particles that will appear to hang in the air as they slowly settle onto all surfaces. This will result in the surfaces becoming moist for a short period after the treatment. This period is when the disinfectant takes action and the surface must be left to dry. There is no access to the space during this period which is typically 1 hour post completion of application, dependent on the ventilation of the premises.
Services include bio-fogging and hard surface wipedown for heavily contacted surfaces and high traffic areas [exclusions apply]
To provide the most effective outcome for your property’s circumstances, we provide options for frequency of treatment, phased treatments, and afterhours availability.
Arrow proudly uses DSV, an approved product of the environmental protection agency for sanization treatments. Additionally, the EPA has determined that Nisus DSV is effective against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19.

How do I prepare my home or work place for service?
Remove materials that could be damaged by moisture such as paperwork, artwork, and wood instruments
All food & medications MUST be removed from the area to be treated
All electrical equipment should be covered with plastic (e.g. keyboards, speakers, televisions, monitors)
All HVAC systems & pilot lights must be shut off
All smoke detectors must be deactivated or covered
Any items being covered or removed should be sanitized prior with a safe product such as an alcohol-based wipe or aerosol spray
Please allow clear access for our technicians and remove any trip hazards
If your site has fish tanks, aquariums or ponds please ask us for additional guidance on these
Arrow Pest Control folks were courteous, prompt, efficient and personable!
Arrow is amazing!! 3rd pest control company that I have dealt with during my mouse infestation!! You guys rock!!!
What do I need to do after the treatment is performed?
Apart from enjoying peace of mind for you and your staff, the following quick housekeeping tips should be noted for continued success between disinfection services.
Advise staff if there is any moisture remaining on their arrival it should be dried with paper towel which is then disposed of. Direct contact with hands or other parts of their bodies should be avoided
Rinse any food/drinking containers before use if they were left in an exposed location–including any pet food/water containers
Ensure any new materials brought back into the area are sanitized appropriately