The signs of a mice infestation in your home are small early on, but can easily grow. There are a few signs and cues you can look for before the infestation gets out of hand. We’ve compiled a list of the easiest way to identify an infestation and where to check.


Infestation Signs

  • Tracks/Footprints – Environments in your home that don’t get a lot of traffic quickly accumulate dust. Rodents commonly frequent areas of the home that are left undisturbed. Check dust for footprints and tail marks. Sprinkle flour or powder and check for fresh tracks the next day.


  • Strong smells – Mice urinate frequently and their waste creates strong ammonia like smells. Strong smells are a sign of heavy mice activity. The smell can linger for a long time, even after the infestation has been treated.


  • Scratching noises – Mice are most active in the night. Listen for noises in the ceiling, basement, walls and under floorboards during the late hours of the night.


  • Grease marks – Mice aren’t the cleanest pest. They come into contact with dirt and grime regularly, and their hair collects all the filth they pick up. As they move throughout your home their bodies brush up against walls, floors and corners. The dirt on their body will leave grease marks as they rub against these surfaces. Look for these marks around your home, especially in dark less visited areas of the home.


  • Dropping – Rodents drop 50 to 80 droppings in one night. Their droppings are small, dark and tubular. They scatter them randomly, but check inside or on top cupboard tops.



Where to Check

  • Kitchen and Laundry Room – Look behind all appliances. Mice can easily squeeze into tiny gaps behind machines. Any areas where pipework or cabling enters through the walls could also offer mice a chance to sneak in to the home.


  • Lofts and Attic Areas – Mice commonly shred soft material like insulation, paper, cardboard and fabrics. Any items you have stored away may be torn and shredded so they can create their nest. Check loft and attic areas for debris, droppings and an ammonia like smell.


  • Basements and Cellars – Mice can easily enter lower floors of your home through airbricks and vents. They commonly frequent these areas because they are damp, quiet and left undisturbed. Check for droppings and urine in these areas of your home.