Trusting a company to rid your home of termites can be nerve-wracking. Its common for many companies to promise things they can’t deliver. There’s a lot on the line when you make this decision and you want to be sure you’re making the right one. Here are three things you should know and consider before you choose a termite company.

Do they promise a guarantee?

When you sign up for termite control knowing that a company will deliver on the services they promise can offer you a peace of mind. However, not every company’s services come with a guarantee. Most professional pest control company should offer a guarantee or ensure you that you’ll receive effective services. Before you sign with a company be sure to look over the terms and conditions you’re agreeing to. Look into the fine print and find out if there is a guarantee, and if so find out how long it is good for.

Do they have a good reputation?

When you’re asking friends and family for recommendations don’t forget to do your own research. Suggestions can be a great indicator of good and reliable services, but that doesn’t guarantee you the best results. Check with your local Department of Agriculture or Better Business Bureau to find out if the company you’re interested in has any complaints filed against them. Also find out if the company is a member of your state’s pest control association and the National Pest Control Association. These memberships are important. A company’s connection with these different associations can reveal that they are up to date on the latest pest control technologies and education.

What’s included in the contract?

Take your time, and review multiple proposals from a large number of companies. Review each proposal thoroughly and ensure the company’s plan matches up with your goals from the treatment. Each proposal should include a detailed description of the company’s plan for chemical treatment procedures, copies of insecticide labels, warranties and information on repair or woodwork. Going with the first company you contact takes away your chance to see the range of treatment options available to you.

Also make sure follow-up inspections are included in your contract. The protection you receive from the company should be ongoing. The contract should include annual or semi annual check ups so you can avoid more infestations in the future.
